Straightforward Expertise.


Eastpoint offers a range of reinsurance consulting services to insurers, reinsurers, regulators and their counsel including various types of audits, best practices reviews, reinsurance contract analyses, and consulting advice for arbitration and litigation proceedings.

Our reinsurance team consists of highly experienced professionals, with diverse claims and management experience. Our expertise and execution of detailed reviews and audits have enabled our reinsurer clients to obtain detailed accountings of business practices, contract compliance, claim handling quality and management, valuation, allocation methodology, reserving integrity, and the basis and accuracy of reinsurance claim presentations. We offer constructive and effective advice, bringing an independent view to any dispute resolution strategy.

The breadth of knowledge and experience combined with technical and analytical expertise, results in innovative and practical solutions to the reinsurance issues prevalent in today's market. Working closely with our clients throughout each engagement, we ensure that we meet their objectives and ultimately exceed their expectations.

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